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Premarital Agreements

Getting married is often an event a couple dreams about and plans for months if not years in advance. What is not thought about is what may happen if the marriage ends. A prenuptial agreement or premarital agreement (“prenup”) is an effective way to mitigate the negative impacts a couple may have as a result of divorce. This contractual agreement is entered into prior to marriage and impacts the rights and obligations of a couple upon divorce.
How do I Protect My Financial Wellbeing?
While no one gets married anticipating it will end in divorce, some couples will regret not having entered into a premarital agreement. This is often true when one spouse has children from another relationship or has accumulated financial independence prior to marriage. A well drafted premarital agreement can protect these interests.
Premarital agreements are governed by North Carolina General Statutes 52B. These agreements can cover property rights and obligations, modification or elimination of spousal support, the law governing the agreement, property management and control, and many other matters. The agreements are formal and must comply with North Carolina statute to be enforceable.
Contact Cristina Quantock for more information if you believe you need a prenup or if you have been asked to sign one.