Choose a Firm That Will Fight for You

DWI charges can have serious consequences from the moment your pulled over and lasting for years.
In almost any DWI case, you can face the possibility of losing your driver’s license for a year or longer, and in some cases, you may even be looking at doing time in jail.
While each case and client are different, if you are convicted of DWI in North Carolina, there will be consequences.
“The key is to look for a way to avoid a conviction. Even getting charged with impaired driving can result in negative consequences. We take DWI defense seriously.”
– David Courie, Fayetteville DWI Defense Attorney
Even with a perfect driving record or what some might call a DWI FIRST conviction, the possibility exists for jail time, probation, and mandatory treatment if the State is able to prove a Grossly Aggravating Factor.
On top of that, increased insurance rates, NC DMV revocation fees, court costs, and fines that come with convictions.
You should consider all your legal options, including your right to challenge the allegations and confront your accuser in court.
Do not rely on what you think the NC DWI laws say or even the advice of a friend or family member. Your case, your charges, and you yourself are unique.
Without an experienced DWI attorney guiding you through the process, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the many aspects of a DWI charge.
Our attorneys can guide you through the court process. We work hard to avoid the worst of the serious consequences.
I’ve Just Been Charged With a DWI. What Should I Do?
At Beaver Courie our attorneys know the story well.
You had a few drinks and made the mistake of driving. You see blue lights in your rear view signaling to pull over, and after some stressful hours, you’re released from the police station after exchanging your driver’s license for a court date.
Many people in this position may think they have no legal options but to go to court and accept the penalties the prosecutor offers.
Don’t do it.
Contact the DWI attorneys at Beaver Courie first!
The truth is DWI charges and even convictions often include consequences that are avoidable with a knowledgeable DWI attorney fighting for your best interest.
It is important to remember that you are considered innocent until proven guilty.
That means that the right DWI lawyer may be able to suppress evidence and challenge probable cause.
Because your long-term well-being is at stake, we work hard to minimize your consequences.
While certainly not a promise, our goal is to get your DWI dismissed if possible, using our training, experience, and knowledge of the law for your benefit.
What is a DWI in North Carolina?
DWI, or Driving While Impaired (same crime as a DUI), requires a person drive a vehicle on a public street, highway, or vehicular area while under the influence of an impairing substance, whether alcohol, marijuana, or any other impairing controlled substance.

DWI convictions in North Carolina have their own unique sentencing structure. Based on a number of factors, a DWI conviction could result in punishment ranging from 24 hours of community service to three years in jail, depending on the unique facts and circumstances of your case, your prior record for DUI charges, and your driving history.
In the event of a conviction, a skilled DWI attorney can apply a strategic approach to plea negotiations and the sentencing process to help ensure the least amount of punishment possible.
For more information on what a DWI is check out our blog: DWI in a Nutshell.
Fayetteville DWI Lawyers – Beaver Courie Law Firm
If you have legal questions about DWI charges in Cumberland County and the surrounding area, our team of lawyers is here to help.
“We provide dedicated legal advice to people in need and who are hurting. You and your case matters. We’d be honored to help.”
– David Courie, Fayetteville DWI Defense
Call now to schedule your free consultation*: 910-323-4600