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Solicitation of a Child by Computer

Solicitation of a child by a computer or other electronic device to commit an unlawful sex act under North Carolina General Statute 14-202.3 occurs when a person (1)is 16 years of age or older and (2) knowingly, with the intent to commit an unlawful sex act, (3) entices, advises, coerces, orders or commands (4) by means of a computer or any other device capable of electronic data storage transmission (5) a child less than 16 years of age and at least five years younger than the person or a person the defendant believes to be a child who is less than 16 years of age and who the defendant believes to be at least five years younger than the defendant (6) to meet any person (7) for the purpose of committing an unlawful sex act.
Solicitation of a child by a computer or other electronic device to commit an unlawful sex act is a class H felony with a maximum punishment under the law of 39 months incarceration.