Choose a Firm That Will Fight for You
Drug Offenses
Are You Currently Fighting Charges Regarding Drug Charges and Need an Experienced Professional?

If you’ve been accused of drug charges or face allegations of illegally possessing a controlled substance in Fayetteville, we strongly recommend you talk to a lawyer.
The State of North Carolina takes drug offenses like felony possession and PWISD – Possession with Intent to Sell Deliver and Drug Trafficking seriously.
You should too!
“Drug charges are aggressively pursued in Cumberland County NC. Our goal as defense lawyers is help you understand your legal rights and options.”
– David Courie, Drug Defense Lawyers
The consequences of a conviction extend beyond a criminal record and probation.
A conviction can affect your future, your ability to get certain jobs, find housing, and provide for your family.
Of course, that’s on top of the possibility of a prison term, probation, court costs, fines, and treatment, depending on the type of charges and your prior criminal record.
That’s especially true for felony charges.
Even a minor weed conviction (simple possession of marijuana) or a criminal record for possession of drug paraphernalia or “PDP” can be difficult to explain on a job application.
I Got Busted. What Should I do?
If you have been charged, or think you may be facing possible allegations of drug charges, it’s important to understand that for certain categories of drugs, prosecutors are under increasing pressure to use every legal option to ensure that you receive the maximum penalties under the law.
Felony Sentencing Laws in North Carolina
You have the right to remain silent. Politely decline to answer questions.
“Do not cooperate with police officers and their criminal investigation. Then call a lawyer.”
– David Courie, Criminal Lawyers in Fayetteville
Possession of methamphetamine (“crystal meth” “ice” “blue”), possession of heroin and opiates, particularly when related to distribution and sale are very serious criminal charges.
Bond Reductions, Bail, and Pretrial Release
No matter where you are in Eastern or Central North Carolina the defense attorney you hire to protect your future and freedom should have drug crime defense experience in state or federal courts.
“You case is important, as the disposition of criminal charges can affect you and your life.”
– David Courie
Drug offenses are often complex, with a variety of legal strategies that must be employed to suppress illegal evidence and protect your constitutional rights against illegal search and seizure.
An aggressive, creative defense often makes the difference between a charge that is dismissed and a prison sentence
The Beaver Courie Team – Defending Drug Charges

Our criminal defense team handle all drug offenses, including:
- Sale or Delivery of a Controlled Substance
- Manufacture of a Controlled Substance
- Possession of a Controlled Substance
- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Possession of a Controlled Substance with the Intent to Manufacture, Sell or Deliver
- Trafficking
- Maintaining a Store, Dwelling, Vehicle, Boat, or Other Place for Use, Storage, or Sale of a Controlled Substance
- Drug conviction and sentencing appeals
“We help people with drug charges in Fayetteville NC. Just being accused of a crime is not the same thing as a conviction.”
– David Courie
Treatment Programs as an Alternative to Jail
If you have been charged with drug offenses, make no mistake, the charges and penalties for a conviction are serious.
If you feel that a plea arrangement is in your best interests, there are often alternatives to jail time.
“Before agreeing to anything, including pleading guilty or helping police with future drug buys, you should speak with an attorney. Know your legal rights.”
– David Courie, Criminal Defense Lawyer
We work hard to find an eligible drug rehabilitation program that may set aside your conviction, upon successful completion of the treatment and probation.
Do I Need a Lawyer for a Grand Jury Investigation?
Our job is to help people. We are not here to judge you or comment on mistakes you may have made.
We want to provide legal options, explain your legal rights, and help you find a pathway to a favorable resolution of your charges.
Drug offenses can be complicated.
Contact Us Today for More Information on Drug Charges
Contact our offices in Fayetteville, North Carolina, to discuss your state or federal drug offenses. Help is just a phone call away.